Monday, June 27, 2011

365 Challenge #147

My two handsome guys are in a Gerber advertisement coming out this fall. I'm amazed at what goes into just a small advertisement: 3 photographers from Detroit, 2 designers from New York bringing a complete wardrobe--12 outfits for Nate and 12 for Joel, several interviews, all meals catered in, and 2-3 days of shooting photos. And that's just what we're involved in....that doesn't include all the decisions, editing, and designing that comes later.

Today was the first day of photo shooting. It was rainy and didn't go very well (because of the rain), but both wardrobes are ironed and everything is set up, so hopefully we'll get some sun tomorrow.

Nate and I have been highly entertained by so many people from the city who have never seen a farm before. Just watching them go through a carrot field is hilarious. Imagine a Russian/New Yorker accent (if you can imagine that) saying: "GASP! This is a FIELD??? This is a CARROT field??? Are those CARROTS???! Delicious! That's just delicious! Can I pluck one up from the ground??? Please? Gasp! It's orange! It's delicious! Ok, it's dirty....can I just put it back in the ground???? What's THAT field? Peas? What are peas?? Oooooh....the green things?? Delicious!" I guess we country folk/farmers just take fresh air, dirt, carrots and peas for granted.

Oh, and apparently "delicious" is the new "in" word (Joel is delicious, our house is delicious, Nate's shirt is delicious, the fact that we have an ironing board is delicious, etc.).....just so you're aware and aren't behind the times. :)

And yes, that's my man handsomely modeling carrots.

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