Thursday, June 2, 2011

365 Challenge #123

Ok, this post has a lot of pictures of Joel and watermelon...bear with me...I'm an adoring mother and can't help myself :)

All photos taken in Manual. ISO 400, Aperture f/5.6

Joel: "Is that ALL for ME???"
Joel: "YEEEES!!!"
Joel: "My very owwwwwn...."
Joel: "It REALLY is for ME???"
Preparing to take a bite
First bite of the first watermelon of the year
And then....shockingly....he didn't like it! (Who doesn't like watermelon????)

Joel: "Ew."
Joel: "Mom, this isn't as good as I thought it would be :( "
Another tentative try...just to make sure
Joel: "Nope...positively disgusting."
Maybe it's because I ate so much watermelon while I was pregnant with him? It was my number one craving. I have heard that whatever you craved the most while pregnant, your child will hate to eat.
Joel: "How can I get rid of this watermelon??"
Bye bye watermelon
Joel: "Forget all this watermelon sissy stuff.....give me STEAK!"

Joel: "Now THIS is more like it!"

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