Saturday, June 25, 2011

365 Challenge #145

 Joel's method of getting down these two steps is rather concerning.
 He nearly gives us a heart attack every time.
 We've tried to teach him how to go down feet first, but he never does. He then gets stuck in this position for 1-5 minutes and either falls on his head or finally figures out how to get his feet down too.
 Still stuck.
 Aha! One foot down.
 Other foot down and successfully grabbed the stair to prevent another forehead rug burn and face plant on the floor.
 Last step. This look is a very concerned "ok, I made it. Am I hurt????" look.
 Looks back at the stair to make sure they won't bite him and decides that he is ok.
 And on to the next stairs. These stairs are driving me crazy. A kiddie gate won't fit on the bottom of them, and I am constantly chasing Joel up and down them. He hasn't fallen down them yet, which is good, cause a fall down these would be disastrous. If you fall down the left side, it's almost a sheer drop to the floor. And if you fall down the right side, you are going to hit every one of those railings on the way down. Yup, I think we NEED to figure out a way to block these stairs.

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