Monday, July 11, 2011

365 Challenge #161

Going to take a break from Joel's 9 month pics, so I can post some pictures of our trip to Mackinac Island and City this last weekend. Nate planned the whole vacation and did a great job!

This was Joel's first lemon.

ISO 800, Aperture f5.6, SS 1/8s. I wish I had upped my ISO more...maybe 1600. It would have probably helped with the blurriness. Oh well....Joel's next expression is priceless.
He did NOT like it and kept giving us this expression like "wow, I'm just disgusted that you guys would shock me with something so sour."
We took the wagon ride around the island because last time we tried a bike ride, Joel screamed bloody murder the entire way. The ride was very relaxing, and we learned a lot of history about the island. (Every time I say "the island" I feel like I'm in LOST, haha :)

It's very hard to take a family picture when there are three of you, even if you have super long arms like Nate.

Better, but now Joel isn't looking, and the funny man in the background is making an even funnier face.
Joel clutched the sidebar the whole'd think we were being pulled by racehorses not slow clydesdales.

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