Thursday, August 21, 2008

Samal and Talikud Islands

Last Saturday morning, I got off night shift, changed out of my scrubs, joined a few of the other students and a missionary couple visiting from Sudan, and spent the day on outreach to some other islands. We traveled by jeepney, bus, motorcycle, foot, ferry, and motor boat to get there; did checkups and prenatals; and had a great time. :)

Hiking down to the ocean

Our boat to another island

On our way there, the water was smooth, but on our way back, it was much more choppy and the boat was rather scary and tippable


This little guy wasn't feeling so great and had a really high fever

Our lunch: fish, crab soup, soy sauce, rice, and fresh seaweed

The beach next to their village

Huge clams. When we poked them, they instantly clamped down with so much force, they sprayed water into the air...

....the Filipinos warned us to not step in them, or they would cut our feet horribly when they clamped down.

On our hike out, we stopped at this lovely toilet. I hit my head on the roof and knocked an ants' nest of hundreds of ants and little ant maggot babies onto my head....I nearly had a heart attack. :P lol

On the ferry back to Davao City


Camy said...

Cockroaches falling into your shirt, and now ants? LOL! Hmmm, I am thinking your episode in the bathroom facilities sounded like something that would happen to me.

These make for such entertaining stories....AFTER the fact (grin).

We love the clams..ouch! Greyson wonders if there are any pearls in them?



Jordan said...

Lol...yeah....somehow I attract bugs. :P

I'm not sure if there are pearls in these particular clams, but, there is a pearl farm not too far away from there.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful place and a great adventure!