Saturday, August 9, 2008

Just another day...

...with never-ending book reports which are very endurable as long as we include never-ending tea :)

AND, to interrupt the monotony, we take a break from the book reports to watch an attempted worm extraction from our poor house mom's ear

Unfortunately, the key word here is 'attempted', and our house mom later had to take medicine to banish the worm. And so...back to boring book reports.


Camy said...

Jordan, we are delighted that you have broadened our horizons when it comes to the knowledge of worms....however, you have us stumped w/ this one (the "ear" one). Here is another excuse for you to take time away from your book reports, and explain to us about ear worms. We usually joke around w/ our own children about having "ear" wigs, but not worms.

Nice to see you posting again (no offense to your brothers, btw) LOL


Jordan said...

Haha, hmmmmm, well, I don't know the exact name of this type of worm, but I can explain it.

It isn't actually an "ear" worm, it can happen anywhere on your skin. Basically, a fly bites you (and in our house mom's case, it bit her on the cartilage behind her ear), and a little, thin, white worm grows just under the skin. As it grows, it makes a tunnel which can continue along the surface of the skin or can go deeper into the person's body. You can get the worm out by making a little slit in the skin over the tunnel and by then pulling out the worm. Or (and this is what our house mom had to do), you can take worm medicine to kill the little bugger.

Anyway, sorry I don't know the name of the worm...I tried researching it, but failed :( I need one of Dad's tropical medicine books...

Anonymous said...

Jordan, ugh. I'll stick to the less invasive variety of earworms. I certainly don't faint when bogs crawl around on me, but if they decide to take up residence in me I do not tolerate that. :-) It's been great reading the blog and especially your updates from the Philippines.

Jordan said...

Ummmm....yes! That is a MUCH better type of worm :P