Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lunch today

SO hungry today...and I didn't think I had much in the house as far as food went. Then I realized I had all the ingredients for this: Indian-spiced Roasted Chickpeas

I followed the recipe except for the coriander. I didn't actually have that.

Then, I realized I had all the ingredients for this: Naan Bread Recipe I just omitted the poppy seeds.

Then, I mixed about half a cup of plain yogurt with:
LOTS of dill (maybe a tablespoon)
Dash of cayenne pepper
Sprinkle of sugar
Cucumber would have been nice, but unfortunately, the cucumber was a moldy mush at the bottom of the vegetable drawer (like I said, there wasn't much to eat in my fridge).

Then I ate it all together.Wow. I need to open an Indian restaurant....or maybe just move to India. I don't even like chickpeas, but this was amazing!

And in case you don't have garam masala: Easy Garam Masala

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