Monday, May 5, 2008


Yesterday, I spent almost 5 hours at the immigration office to finish up the last bit of paperwork (including lots of fingerprints) for my that I can come HOME in July!! :D Although the long lines and paperwork were rather painful, the look on the immigration officer's face when I entered his office was priceless. The conversation went something like this:

Him: "Are you Jordan Geyman??"
Me: "Yes sir"
Him: "And you aren't a BOY??"
Me: "Ummmmmm.......nooooo!"
Him: "Ooooh...I thought you were a male. But your name is Jordan?"
Me: "Yes. You can see on my application that my full name is Jordan ELISABETH-JANE. It's a girl's name."
Him again: "Aaaah....ok." [looks intently at my paperwork] "Also, your immigration number says you are Korean." [looks at me] "You aren't KOREAN, are you??"
Me [Good grief...have YOU ever heard of a Korean with the name Jordan Elisabeth-Jane???]: " sir. I'm American"
Him: "Ah. Ok...I thought I was going to be interviewing a male Korean. Just wait awhile. I'm going to need to change all your paperwork."
Him [a little later]: "Are you pure American?"
Me [Is this a trick question?!]: "Yes, I'm a pure American."
Him: "Really? You're sure?? A PURE American?"
Me [very confused]: "What do you mean by 'pure' American?"
Him: "Well.....I just think you really look Hispanic."

Huh?!?! A blue-eyed, blond-haired, white-skinned male Korean Hispanic who is really a PURE American. That's a first! :D Anyway, he was very nice and changed all my immigration numbers, and we were able to mail the paperwork back to Manila to be processed. And, I finally got my passport back!


Mrs. MK said...

That is a great story!!

Anonymous said...

hilarious, stranger than fiction

Donna Boucher said...

Oh my!!!

I'll bet you all can't wait to be together again!!!

Safe travels....may that be the weirdest mix up you your whole life ;o)