Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Twins: Sweetie and Cutie...

...not pertaining to Taylor and Jacob. :) While I love my brothers and they are definitely sweet and cute, I think they would throttle me if I called them Sweetie and Cutie. (It might even be worse than Taylor the Latte Boy.) So this is a post about twins, but not about my sweet, cute twin brothers.

Technically, we aren't allowed to deliver twins at Mercy Maternity, but these little girls surprised us. Sadly though, their mom hemorrhaged after birth and had to be emergency transported to the hospital. Naomi, who is one of the "marrieds" and delivered the twins, took the them home and babysat them all week while their mom recovered. Praise the Lord...their mom is ok now and has her babies with her at home.

The twins weighed 3 pounds and 5 pounds (plus some ounces...I can't remember the exact numbers).

Both are doing very tiny but so perfect.

The larger is named Sweetie, and the smaller: Cutie (yes, those are their names on the birth certificate :).

Please pray that they will continue to thrive and that their mom will be able to regain her strength quickly.


Anonymous said...

Oh, they are so cute!!!! Did you help name them? jk! ;-) I think twins are so neat, but I am sure they can be a handful too! So....why can't you deliver twins...normally?

Have a great week! :D

Jordan said...

Hehe...nope, I didn't help name them. :D

We don't normally deliver twins because there is a much higher risk for complications which can be dealt with much better at a hospital.

Camy said...

What sweet babies! Malcom and Noah both weighed around 3.5# (30 wks. gestation) and spent 65 days in the hospital. After the initial premie issues (none too serious, thank God), they were convalescent feeders/growers.

I'm thankful the mother of Sweetie and Cutie recovered from the birth. I pray all will continue to go well for them.

What a blessing to be present at this birth!

Take care, Jordan.
