Tuesday, February 26, 2013

2013 Annual Breaking of the Ice

Every year when the ice is thin, my siblings and I play Follow the Leader on the ice. Usually we invite a couple (equally insane) friends to do it with us. Before I explain how this game works, I just want to give you a warning: if you are a Mom who is reading this, you should stop right now. (I don't want to be responsible for any heart attacks. :)) Okay, so here are the rules to the game. They are pretty simple. All you have to do is follow the leader, and when you fall in, you go to the back of the line.

Here we go. Benjamin is our leader.

I laugh every time I see this picture.


Tallis is pulling Hannah out, but you can't see her.

The ice was really nice this year. We got a lot of warning before we fell in, and when we ran across the ice, it would create a wave.

So cold!

Gillian on the deck taking pictures of us with her camera.
Benjamin fell in, so now Gage is the leader.


Notice how they are laughing at him.

They are not laughing anymore! :)

Sarah was just light enough to loosen up the ice for Hannah and me to fall in. Haha!
Jumping to get Benjamin in.
But oh no! She is now in!
See Benjamin deviously snickering?
Do you see anyone helping me? The answer to that question is no!!

More devious snickering!

"Yay! I made it!"

Running across the ice cubes. Hannah is superwoman when it comes to this.
Everyone fell in at about the same time.

Sarah is laughing, but she will quickly turn....
...and run for her life!

Hannah and Benjamin tried to get Sarah in since she was the only one who hadn't fallen in all the way in yet... 
...but instead they fell in themselves. Sarah thought it was pretty funny.

She is still laughing as they are crawling out.
But little does she know, Benjamin and Hannah will not give up!

 Finally they succeded...but where did Hannah go??
Oh...there she is.
The rescuers were on their way to help them, but... 
...they fell in too.
They finally got out...

...leaving Benjamin, Hannah, and Sarah on their own to break their way to shore.

As you probably can see, we were extremely cold (we could barely stand here for a picture), but we had a lot of fun! :) After we were done, we went inside, took warm showers, drank hot chocolate, and stood by our woodstove trying to get warm. :)
 Thank you, Mr. Draxlir, for taking these great pictures!!

1 comment:

Jacob said...

More "devious snickers" from Texas.