Thursday, July 5, 2012

365 #30

I've been off ALL dairy for about two months now. This has kept Selah the happiest baby ever with no rashes or throwing up. It hasn't been easy though. There is some form of dairy in almost all processed foods and butter or cheese tends to be in every yummy food you can think of. Did you know even Pringles salt and vinegar chips have dairy ???:(

 So the other day I was making my favorite cookie recipe. I substituted coconut oil and shortening for the butter, went to add my dairy free chocolate chips, and realized I didn't have any left. I did have some other dark chocolate chips that had a little bit of milkfat in I threw some of them in (less than the recipe called for...about one chip per cookie).

 I thought maybe Selah was old enough to handle a tiny bit of dairy, but within 24 hours, her face was covered in a nasty, oozy rash :( I didn't want to throw away the rest of the cookie dough...but I didn't think I was strong enough to NOT eat more cookies. So I asked Nate to hide the dough in the deep freezer. He went a step further and duck-taped the container, telling Joel, "Even if mommy DOES find the dough, it will take her a MONTH just to open it!"

And yes, I do think it's hilarious that his shirt says "just do it".

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