Friday, June 8, 2012

Mommy Brain

365 Challenge #3
First barrette. Trying to tame the mohawk.
There is this thing I call "mommy brain".

It's similar to "pregnancy brain" only not quite as severe.

Pregnancy brain: a combination of no sleep, raging hormones, horrible uncomfortableness resulting in a woman who doesn't act herself (i.e. may have a combination of all or some of the following: does stupid thing, makes rude comments, acts silly, can't remember ANYTHING, etc.)

Mommy brain: generally not quite as severe as pregnancy brain (although, depending on the number of kids and their disposition, it may be as severe as pregnancy brain). Caused by lack of sleep and loss of sanity (which is caused by always talking in baby language and never speaking to start talking to adults like you would to a baby and can no longer say anything logically). Hopefully, hormones are no longer an issue so the state of your brain is no longer as bad as it was during pregnancy.

However, after this week, I'm wondering if I have any brain left. Maybe I can't even say I have "mommy brain"....maybe I should be saying "mommy NO brain".

Anyway, this week, I decided to go with Nate to his night class about 40 minutes away. I left Joel at Gogo's (grandma's) house, dropped Nate off at class, and went to run some errands with Selah. First stop was Gordon Food to get groceries for the summer staff party the farm is having later this month.

I successfully maneuvered through the store while holding Selah, putting a ton of food in my cart (including 200 hotdogs). I then successfully paid for all groceries and successfully loaded them into my father in law's new truck. Successfully meaning, Selah was still smiling, I was still smiling, and I hadn't left my keys or credit card at the cashier.

I calmly nursed Selah and happily put her in her car seat. As I walked around the truck to the driver's seat, I patted myself on the back. We were going to have a GREAT night of errands and both of us were going to be happy and not stressed out by the time we picked up daddy from class. I tried to start the truck, but the key wouldn't turn. No problem, I just had the key backwards. I flipped it around and tried again. Still wouldn't turn. I repeated this a few times. No luck. I made sure the truck was in park, jiggled the steering wheel, and tried again. Nothing. The key would not turn. This was the first time I had driven or started this truck (Nate had started it before we left for his class).

My heart sinking and feeling like a total idiot, I called my father in law and told him I couldn't start his truck. He went through the basics...did you try turning the key around? Yes. Did you make sure the truck was in park? Yes. Did you try starting it with the remote starter? No. So I pushed the button on the remote starter (next to the key on the key chain), and the truck started. Perfect. My phone was almost dead, so I hung up with my father in law.

I tried shifting the truck from park to drive. It said "insert key and turn to drive". Noooooooo. I tried and the key wouldn't turn. Then the truck told me it was a defective key. Grrrrrrrr. I called my father in law again and told him what was happening (still feeling like a total idiot and by now, Selah was screaming).

My mother in law decided to bring me a new key (she would have to drive over 40 minutes to get to me), and I would wait at the restaurant across the street. I had this really, really bad feeling I was just doing something wrong and that the key was fine. So I called Nate, but he didn't answer because he was in a test. I got Selah out.

Suddenly the truck went into panic mode, honking like crazy. I hit every button on the remote, but the truck just started honking more. I tried shutting all the doors, inserting the key, locking and unlocking the truck. Still honking. Selah still screaming. Mommy in tears.

I went into Gordon Foods and told the manager that everything was being taken care of, but that the truck might be honking for awhile. The manager looked at me strangely but was very nice (probably seeing my tear filled eyes).

Just then, Nate called me back (SOOO thankful my phone hadn't died yet!).
"Did you use the remote key?"
"Yes, I got the truck to start remotely, but the actual key still wouldn't turn so the truck won't shift from park to drive."
"No...not the key on the key chain. The remote IS a key."
"Huh????" (mommy brain definitely not kicking in)
"The remote for locking and unlocking the truck IS a key....insert that."

I inserted the remote. The truck started beautifully and shifted into drive. Now I was REALLLLLY feeling like an idiot. I'm sure my father in law never dreamed I wasn't even using the right key. Thankfully, my husband knows me better than that. Haha! I called him back and told my mother in law she didn't need to bring a new key...the real key was working just great.

Selah fell asleep on the way to Meijers, and I contemplated how the proud will fall. I definitely needed humbled and I definitely was!

Before going into Meijers, I glanced into the mirror. There was dried blood all over my chin. Not sure where it came from. No wonder the manager was looking at me strangely. Sigh...yup, definitely humbled. HAHA!

So yes, mommy brain is in full force and will be bad for a few more months until Selah starts sleeping through the night. Maybe I just shouldn't leave the house....would be safer for everyone. :D

Joel forces the kitties to play with him: "SLIIIIDE KITTY! SLIIIIDE!"

Kitten realizes she is in immediate danger.....
.....look of terror.

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