Thursday, June 7, 2012

I Think My Mom is 23

365 #2 Getting a little chubby :) Loves sleeping on her daddy.
We have kittens. I can't remember if I mentioned that already (please forgive me...I have mommy brain...more on that later).
Both moms had kittens, giving us a total of 7. We used to keep all the kittens together, but then the moms had a fight, resulting in a tragic kitten death (my postpartum hormones can't handle tragic baby deaths right now). So now, one mom is in the mudroom and the other is in the garage. I was thankful though that at least we had one less kitten to get rid of, and then that night, someone brought us a kitten he found on a construction sight, saying, "I heard you had little kittens...can you take care of this one too??" NOOOOOOOO!  I'm so ready for the kittens to be gone...I'm ready to have our mudroom back! I love cats....OUTSIDE.
Joel thinks having kittens in the house is great though.
They are well loved.

Victoria and Isaiah came to play with Joel for an hour or so yesterday.
Of course, Joel needed to get in the picture too!
I love the funny things kids say! Isaiah asked where Joel got his new fridge magnets. I told him they were from Joel's uncle in Idaho.
Isaiah: "Joel has an UNCLE????!"
Me: "Um're his uncle too."
Isaiah: "Oh yeah...I forgot. So these toys came from me?"
Me: "No, from his OTHER uncle."

A little later, Isaiah asked how old I was.
Me: "23"
Victoria: "'re 23? I think my mom [my mother-in-law] is 23 too. Or actually, her birthday is coming soon. I think she wants an ipad for her birthday, and I think she'll be turning 23 then."

My mommy brain story will have to come later. Out of time for now.

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