Monday, April 9, 2012

First Lake Michigan Beach Day 2012

Last Saturday, I was 3 days overdue, and SO sick of waiting at home for baby K (who still seems very content to wait in my belly). So we decided to have dinner at the beach. I regretted it a little the next morning when I woke up with a lot of new aches and pains (walking on uneven sand is not very forgiving when your pelvis feels like it's about to fall apart), but the evening was perfect other than that.

Papa John's pizza

Love, love, love those toes!
Joel's new favorite phrase is "See ya!"
Very carefully touching the beetle with his stick...he has become much more cautious the last few weeks.
My view

Pointing at the boats

He isn't cautious when it comes to water matter how cold.
But getting his feet dirty....well....
....he wasn't too sure about that!

He would try to be happy about it....
...but then would freak out about the sand on his toes.

Whoops...fell off the log

Stopped for ice cream on the way home

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