Monday, January 31, 2011

FREE on Kindle!

I LOVE this link.

I've gotten so many free books on my Kindle this way.


Friday, January 21, 2011

Photography Tip #1

So, as I'm learning to use my new camera, I've picked up a few tips. I found this one to be especially useful while trying to photograph my little brother.

"When photographing children,rather than just telling the child to smile, give him something to occupy himself and take pictures of the activity. You will get much more realistic smiles."

Let me show you an example. In the following picture, I told Josiah to "smile".

His smile looked somewhat forced, so I said "smile bigger!" This is what I got....

Still forced. So I said, "no Josiah, smile REALLY big."

Hmmm....funny, but not so great of a smile (not to mention the bad shadowing behind his head...outdoor pictures are just so much better).

Now, in these next ones, Josiah was given an activity that makes him smile, and then photographed. You can just see the pure joy in his smiles.

Ah, much better. I'll definitely be taking this tip to heart.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Watch this:

Charity Water

This is the dad of one of my good friends from school. It just amazes me that something most Americans don't even think about--clean water--is so incredibly precious in other parts of the world.

Now read this:


Now think about this:
"...addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with all your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.."

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Well first things first...I suppose I should give a small update on what the sibling authors of this blog have been up to for the past year.

Isaac has one year left of high school. He loves public speaking and debate and all things involving history, current events, and politics. He won first place in...well...a LOT of his speech tournaments this year.

Micah is almost done with his senior year of high school. He's thinking of going to LeTourneau, but hasn't made up his mind yet. He's really interested in Bible translation. As you can see, he's a very good uncle.

Jacob met and walked down the aisle at my wedding with one of my bridesmaids, Carmen...

and less than a year later, walked down the aisle again with her :) He really should post his proposal story on here... They are now living at LeTourneau in TX. Jacob is studying aeronautical science. Carmen went to the same midwifery school I went to and will probably be doing some baby catching in TX.

Taylor is finishing up his second year at LeTourneau. He's applying for dental school (and I can't wait for him to be a dentist because I have one more wisdom tooth that needs removed). He's on a research team and will be traveling to Kenya this summer (lucky! :)

I, of course, married that wonderful childhood sweetheart

and moved to Michigan

and nine months later....this handsome dude came along whom we like to call Mr. Joel

and what a joy and blessing he is to us!

Well....he didn't just come along...first there were six months of puking and three more months of feeling like a beached whale...or a walrus stuck on land...or an elephant who lost all four get the idea.

So, I think that's about it. I'm thoroughly enjoying being a stay at home mom...much more than I ever dreamed I could. I just love my little family!

Monday, January 17, 2011


So, I'm going to admit it right now: I have a serious case of writer's block...always have and probably always will. Hence the reason I haven't posted in over a year. (I can't account for the other siblings' absence from this blog, but, last year was a crazy busy year for all of us.) I have been wanting to post for a few months now, but haven't had a good enough excuse to do so...until now. I received an incredible gift from an even more incredible husband. Ready for it? The Nikon D3000! Writer's block no more! ( long as I can just post pictures and not worry about writing.) So I'm back. I don't know if anyone else will join me, but that's ok for now. This will be my own little blogspot until some sibling of mine makes me share.