Thursday, October 6, 2011

14 weeks....26 to go!

2nd trimester here we come!!! My morning sickness is mostly gone. So happy this was a more "normal" pregnancy than Joel's, and the sickness didn't decide to stay for another 4 months. This baby is very energetic, and I can occasionally feel little flutters against the doppler when I'm listening to her heartbeat (yes, today I'm convinced she is a girl....tomorrow I might change my mind and call "her" a "him", and no, we aren't finding out).

She has fingerprints already! And she will double her size in the next 3 weeks. She can suck on her thumb, pee, frown, her liver is producing bile, and she's growing hair (lanugo) all over her body. I'd say that's pretty accomplished when you're only 14 weeks old!

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