Friday, January 30, 2009

Oh the Joys of Algebra....

For the past month, we midwives have been saturated in algebra--3 hour classes, quizzes, tests, never-ending homework. Our poor baby-minded brains are fried--not exactly used to: "solve the equation 3x2-4x+17=0 using the quadratic formula." And what's up with imaginary numbers??

My brain on algebra------------------------------------>
Not a pretty sight in the least. :P

Anyway, Manny (husband of our new supervisor) was brave enough to face 25 midwives-in-training and teach a not exactly beloved topic. At our first class, he came armed with reasons why midwives need to know algebra:

1. You can really see God's glory in math. Just think about it for a minute--without math, how would we know the grandeur of the universe or the minuscule detail of a cell?

2. Math is one of the only things that builds the logic part of your brain. And yeah, midwives need logic too--especially at 3am with a complicated emergency birth.

3. The National College of Midwifery in the States requires it for graduation.

Hmmm...good reasons.....we'll buy that. (Manny sighs with relief.)

I understood and even (gasp!) enjoyed every class......until the very last one: graphing linear equations. Ooooh, my weakest point. My nemesis. The homework soon stumped me. BUT, praise the Lord for Skype and brothers who didn't even have to take college algebra--the math whizzes just CLEPped out of it. I pulled up the Skype chat box and begged for help.

I got my mom first. She may be a fabulous Editor Extraordinaire...but her math skills are questionable. Let me explain. The chat went like this:

Me: ok...i need help.....I don't understand this. It's the last thing before our final algebra exam today. What is x and what is y when I'm graphing the linear function: f(x)=x-4??
Mom: x is the female chromosome. y is the male chromosome. so this means that there are 4 girls in the room, minus four if the chromosome is present. Got it? And the f stands for female, but they put the X in parentheses just in case you didn't know that and needed more explanation.
Me (being the blond that I am, fell for it): so....y = 0 and x = 4?
Mom: exactly 0 boys and minus 4 females

Thankfully, Jacob (one of the math whizzes I mentioned above) took over at this point. And with a little more chatting and a couple calls, he pulled me through.

I'm pretty sure I cried through every single algebra lesson for the 3 years I had to take algebra in high school (btw, I'm very glad my parents made me stick through it anyway). But, I can now say I got through college algebra without a single tear trickle. And, I'm now a little more enthused about putting my own kids (someday) through the tortures..ahem...I mean, joys of algebra.


Anonymous said...

Oh Jordan! I truly understand exactly how you feel! I am on graphing functions and I don't get it at all!! Thank you for this post- now I know I am not the only one!

Jordan said...

Lol, you're welcome. :) Stick with it! It'll hopefully make sense sometime soon :P But, you definitely have my sympathies. I'll take some good literature, biology, or spanish over algebra any day.

NeilM said...


After reading your latest post, I noticed you have a Skype account. Would you be willing to let me and aunt Rosie Skype you?

Uncle Neil

NeilM said...


Would you have time to Skype with aunt Rosie and me?

Uncle Neil

Jordan said...

Yes....I'd love to hear from you :) My skype username is: jordanej

NeilM said...


Great! What is the time difference for here to there. I think we are on the same time as your mom and dad.

Uncle Neil

Jordan said...

If you're the same time as mom and dad, I'm 16 hours ahead of you guys.