Friday, May 22, 2009


The picture that started it all....I took this picture last October in the village Ocapan (about 7 hours north of Davao city

This was taken in February as plans started to form for bringing Jenecel to Davao for surgery. This is her family: Dad--Joseph, Mom--Merlina, 5yo brother--Joel (a.k.a. Pull-pull), and 10yo Jenecel. Her family became Christians almost 2 years ago and have suffered from a lot of spiritual oppression.

She weighs less than her 5yo brother. She just wants to be able to walk and go to school. Right now, she sits at home with her puppy and sings and washes the dishes. Her relatives occasionally carry her places.

Last January, her family says that she became really sick and stopped breathing for 30 minutes. They were all mourning her death, when she suddenly opened her eyes and started singing about how amazing God is and quoting from Ephesians. She sang the song for me...all 30 people in the room (her family and 4 of us midwives on outreach) were in tears by the end.

She and her family traveled to Davao on May 16 and are now staying in a boarding house near the hospital. Jenecel is going through therapy. The doctors won't do surgery until they are convinced she can build enough muscle to stand. Right now, Jenecel can hardly lift her legs off the bed. Pray she can stick through the therapy and has the ability to build muscle.

The doctors are afraid she has a muscle disorder. Jenecel will get a muscle biopsy next week (June 15) which will be sent to Manila. We'll decide where to go from there.

A family in the States is helping to support her family and medical care. I attached below the letters they've sent out:
"I have mentioned this need to some of you, but some of you are hearing about this for the first time, so I'd like to introduce you to Jenecel. She is a 10 year old girl who lives on a mountain in the Philippines. I first saw her on a facebook page of a friend who has been studying in the Philippines for almost 2 years. She was in a picture.

All of the children in the village love to have their picture taken and when Jordan was taking pictures the children said, you need to go take a picture of our friend, she can't walk and she sits at her house all day with her dog. So Jordan went and took the picture. Since that time we have expressed an interest in helping Jenecel receive medical care in the hope that she could have corrections made that would allow her to walk.

We have definitely seen God at work as He orchestrated some events that eventually led to Jenecel and her family arriving in Davao to talk with a specialist there. We are continuing to pray and seek any advice regarding what steps to take in helping this little girl. Coming to the United States is an option, but there are a lot of hurdles to clear for that to happen.

Currently she was evaluated this past Monday, I don't have an official diagnosis, but this is what Jordan relayed. She has dislocated hips, impacted knees and club feet. There is concern with whether or not she has enough muscle tone to warrant surgery. This week they are doing physical therapy and wanting to see some improvment in her muscles. Depending on how that goes, the doctor there would like to consider surgery.

The current costs incurred are less than $500, we have set up a way for contributions to be made to Grace Community Church and then disbursement to the Philippinnes for Jenecel's care and expenses. So my reasons for sending this to you are at least four-fold.

1. We need people to pray that God would continue to direct in this girl's life and that it would be obvious how to proceed.

2. If you feel led and would like to contribute to the costs, we will have a fund set up through our church.

3. Any advice you might have, like has anyone ever been involved with bringing someone to the U.S. for medical reasons, or fundraisers, ideas??

4. If you would like to continue to receive updates on Jenecel, please let us know.

I've been studying Ephesians this past year, and our study directed us to these verses in 1 john. It happened to be the week before Easter.
1 john 3:16-18

This is how we know what love is; Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.

Jenecel is certainly an opportunity for some of us to express our love through actions.

Thanks for listening, praying and responding if that is how God directs.

Enjoying the journey,

Kent and Kim

Just wanted to touch base with you regarding Jenecel

She is doing well and continues to see doctors and have tests run to determine the course of action.

At this point it looks like she will be continuing to receive care in the Philippines. It allows her family to stay together and her father to continue to go back to his farm about once a month. We still don't know how long until a surgery will be needed or if it can be done. She is receiving physical therapy and most of the doctors in the Philippines are giving her care at a reduced rate or donating their time entirely.

I mentioned in the last e-mail that if you felt led to participate with money you could do so by donating to a fund at our church. The easiest way to do this would be to make the check out to Grace Community Church and then mail it to our address c/o 6846 S. Green Ave, Fremont, MI 49412.

The prayer needs remain the same...

1. wisdom for Jenecel and her family and the doctors that a clear course of action would be obvious.

2. Praise, I wish I could take the space to tell you all of the little and big ways we can see God working. Via connections here in the states...doctors who have given their opinions and assessments of Jenecel's condition. Doctors in the Philippines who have also expressed willingness to help this little girl.

3. Continue to pray for Jenecel as therapy and testing and perhaps surgery are difficult and painful.

Thanks for your willingness to pray and if God leads you to be involved in other ways...thanks in advance for that, too!

Finding Joy in Him today,

Kent and Kim


Anonymous said...

How is this going so far? Is she able to build muscle so that they can help her?

Jordan said...

it's going ok.....just taking a long time. I'm trying to get clearance for a muscle biopsy and surgery now.